#216 – Romans – Episode 048
In this episode, Cliff begins discussing the powerful truth of the believer's death to sin (Rom. 6:1-2).
In this episode, Cliff begins discussing the powerful truth of the believer's death to sin (Rom. 6:1-2).
In this episode, Cliff begins Romans 6 with some reflections on what Paul has covered up to this point and about two foundational truths that Paul is going to introduce in this chapter.
In this episode, Cliff finishes Romans chapter 5 and discusses the amazing truth that where sin abounds, grace super-abounds (Rom. 5:20-21).
In this episode, Cliff discusses the meaning of justification of life to all men that came through Jesus and His one act of obedience (Rom. 5:18).
In this episode, Cliff discusses the all-inclusive consequences of what Adam and Christ each have done for the human race (Rom. 5:15-17).
In this episode, Cliff talks about how righteousness and life come as the result of Jesus' one act of obedience (Rom. 5:15-17).
In this episode, Cliff discusses the importance of Adam and Christ as headmen in the human race (Rom. 5:15-17).
In this episode, Cliff talks more about Paul's understanding of the law and how death reigned from Adam until Moses (Rom. 5:13-14).
In this episode, Cliff discusses the role of Adam as the representative man who brought sin and death into the world and how death reigned from Adam until Moses when the law entered so that sin would be utterly sinful (Rom. 5:12-14).
In this episode, Cliff discusses the significance of Jesus dying for the ungodly and how we are not only justified by His blood, but we are also saved daily through His life (Rom. 5:6-11).