#295 – Romans – Episode 127

September 12, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff finishes the study of the book of Romans by looking at Paul's final greetings to his closest co-workers and his benediction to the believers in Rome (Rom. 16:21-27).

#293 – Romans – Episode 125

September 10, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about Paul's plea with the believers in Rome to pray for him to be rescued from those who were opposing his ministry and that he can safely arrive in Rome and be refreshed by the believers there (15:3-33).

#292 – Romans – Episode 124

September 9, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about Paul's personal comments about his plans to visit the church in Rome and the kingdom principle of giving to those who sow spiritual things into our lives (Rom. 15:22-29).

#291 – Romans – Episode 123

September 6, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about Paul's resoluteness to only speak about what God accomplished through him and not to boast in his own accomplishments in his ministry (Rom. 15:14-21).

#281 – Romans – Episode 113

August 21, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff looks at Paul's practical exhortation for what the Christian life looks like as a healthy, functioning member of the body of Christ (Rom. 12:9-21).

#280 – Romans – Episode 112

August 20, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff goes into more detail about how each member of the body of Christ is gifted with a grace-gift to function within the body (Rom. 12:6-8).

#279 – Romans – Episode 111

August 19, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about how each member of the body of Christ functions by exercising the gifts that God has given to them by His grace (Rom. 12:4-8).

#278 – Romans – Episode 110

August 16, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff begins to discuss the reality of the body of Christ on earth and how each member is gifted by God to function properly (Rom. 12:3-8).

#276- Romans – Episode 108

August 14, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff finishes Romans 11 by looking at Paul's benediction prayer where he praises God for His unsearchable ways in His faithful dealings with Israel (Rom. 11:33-36).

#275 – Romans – Episode 107

August 12, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff continues explaining how Israel found mercy in the same way the Gentiles found mercy through the gospel and how God fulfilled His promise to redeem Israel through the finished work of Christ in the first century (Rom. 11:28-32)

#272 – Romans – Episode 104

August 7, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff explains how the partial hardening of Israel happened so that the Gentiles could receive mercy, and how Israel was then moved to jealousy and also received mercy (Rom. 11:11-16).

#269 – Romans – Episode 101

June 5, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about how Israel during Paul's time did not heed the good news of Christ and remained obstinate and rebellious before God (Rom. 10:16-21).

#266 – Romans – Episode 098

May 31, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff finishes Paul's discussion about how Israel failed to attain righteousness because they did not pursue it by faith and how Christ is the end of the law to everyone who believes (Rom. 9:30-10:8).

#262 – Romans – Episode 094

May 27, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about the introduction of the word "Israel" in Paul's discussion in Romans and how this term is different from the terms "Jews" or "Judeans" of the first century (Rom. 9:9-10).

#259 – Romans – Episode 091

May 10, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about how now that we are God's children, Jesus always intercedes for us and that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:33-39).

#257 – Romans – Episode 089

May 8, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about how God's purpose for our lives to conform us to the image of Jesus was something that God decided long ago before the foundation of the world (Rom. 8:29-30).

#245 – Romans – Episode 077

April 20, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff explains how we are not under obligation to the flesh anymore, but that we walk by the Spirit and as a result experience life (Rom. 8:12-14).

#235 – Romans – Episode 067

March 30, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff explains that believers in Christ do not have two natures, but that they have one nature and they live in the natural realm in what Paul calls the "flesh" (Rom. 7:18-20).

#233 – Romans – Episode 065

March 28, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff explains the reason why Christians sometimes do the things they don't won't to do, and don't do the things they want to do (Rom. 7:14-16).

#232 – Romans – Episode 064

March 27, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff explains the importance of living by the newness of the Spirit and how God created us to live in the relational connection with Him and not by obedience to commandments (Rom. 7:12-13).

#229 – Romans – Episode 061

March 21, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about how we have now been released from the law to serve God in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter (Rom. 7:6).

#227 – Romans – Episode 059

March 19, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff begins the interpretation of Romans and 7 and talks about Paul's illustration of the law of marriage and how death brings a release from that marriage obligation (Rom. 7:1-3).

#226 – Romans – Episode 058

March 18, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff completes his discussion of Romans 6 and points out that our death to sin brings about our ultimate benefit, our sanctification and how the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:20-23).

#224 – Romans – Episode 056

March 16, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the process of presenting the members of our bodies as slaves to righteousness and not letting sin reign in them (Rom. 6:12-14).

#223 – Romans – Episode 055

March 15, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff explains how to practically apply the truth of Romans 6 by presenting the members of our bodies to God as instruments of righteousness (Rom. 6:12-14).

#218 – Romans – Episode 050

March 8, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff talks about the connection between being dead to sin and being raised from the dead so that we can walk in newness of life (Rom. 6:3-4).

#215 – Romans – Episode 047

March 5, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff begins Romans 6 with some reflections on what Paul has covered up to this point and about two foundational truths that Paul is going to introduce in this chapter.

#208 – Romans – Episode 040

February 21, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the role of Adam as the representative man who brought sin and death into the world and how death reigned from Adam until Moses when the law entered so that sin would be utterly sinful (Rom. 5:12-14).

#207 – Romans – Episode 039

February 9, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the significance of Jesus dying for the ungodly and how we are not only justified by His blood, but we are also saved daily through His life (Rom. 5:6-11).

#203 – Romans – Episode 035

January 17, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the importance of Abraham's experience with God and the proper way to interpret and apply his experience into our own lives as believers (Rom. 4:18-25).

#202 – Romans – Episode 034

January 16, 2024|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the importance of faith so that the work of salvation is according to grace, and how God calls into existence the heirs of Abraham (Rom. 4:16-17).

#201 – Romans – Episode 033

December 22, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the importance of the promise made to Abraham through faith compared to the any and all attempts of righteousness based on the Law (Rom. 4:13-15).

#197 – Romans – Episode 029

December 5, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the forbearance of God as He passed over sins previously committed, demonstrated His righteousness through Jesus, and became the just justifier of those who have faith in Jesus (Rom. 3:25-26).

#192 – Romans – Episode 025

October 2, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff talks about the importance of the righteousness of God being manifested apart from the Law and only through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:21-26).

#191 – Romans – Episode 024

September 26, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff looks at Paul's concluding comments to the Jews regarding the works of the law and how Gentiles and Jews are all guilty in God's courtroom (Rom. 3:9-20).

#190 – Romans – Episode 023

September 21, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how God is faithful to Israel and to all the nations despite Israel's unfaithfulness to their calling to be God's voice to the nations (Rom. 3:1-8).

#188 – Romans – Episode 021

September 15, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff talks about the hypocrisy of the Jews who say they have the law but do not obey it, and because of this the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles (Rom. 2:17-24).

#185 – Romans – Episode 018

September 12, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff finishes talking about how we can understand Paul's comments about God's judgement based on good works and evil works (Rom. 2:5-11).

#183 – Romans – Episode 016

August 30, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff looks more closely at who Paul is addressing in the first verses of chapter 2 and talks about the kindness of God that leads to repentance (Rom. 2:1-4).

#181 – Romans – Episode 014

August 27, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff finishes chapter 1 and makes some general comments regarding the idolatry of man and our hope for salvation in the good news of God (Rom. 1:24-32).

#179 – Romans – Episode 012

August 22, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how God's attributes and power are evident in creation and how man does not acknowledge God, but instead worships idols (Rom. 1:18-23).

#178 – Romans – Episode 011

August 19, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff gives an overview to the structure of the book of Romans and Paul's understanding of the gospel as it works on the two levels of natural Israel and universally for all of mankind. He also discusses the wrath of God (Rom. 1:18).

#171 – Romans – Episode 004

August 1, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff talks about how the gospel of God is concerning His Son, and how Jesus is the seed of David in the natural and declared the Son of God in power at the resurrection (Rom. 1:3-4).

#169 – Romans – Episode 002

July 25, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff begins the study of the book of Romans and talks about Paul being a bond-servant of Christ, sent as an apostle, and set apart for the gospel of God (Rom. 1:1).

#167 – Hebrews – 106

May 11, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff finishes the study in the book of Hebrews and discusses the faithfulness of God to work His will in our lives through His grace in Jesus Christ our Lord (Heb. 13:20-25).

#166 – Hebrews – 105

May 11, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the proper translation of "submit" and how it defines our understanding of healthy leadership (Heb. 13:15-19).

#165 – Hebrews – 104

May 11, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the importance of Christ suffering outside the camp and us going out to Him and identifying with Him as our spiritual act of worship and lifestyle (Heb. 13:7-14).

#163 – Hebrews – 102

May 9, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how God has once more shaken the earth and the heavens and given us an eternal kingdom that can not be shaken (Heb. 12:25-29).

#162 – Hebrews – 101

May 8, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff talks about the better experience that Christians have in their encounter with God than the Israelites had at Mount Sinai (Heb. 12:18-24).

#160 – Hebrews – 099

May 4, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff talks about the need to prepare ourselves for the race by addressing areas of our spiritual life that are weak and out of joint (Heb. 12:12-13).

#155 – Hebrews – 094

April 26, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff finishes chapter 11 and discusses how, just like us, the saints of old received their promises only through the finished work of Jesus (Heb. 11:32-40).

#154 – Hebrews – 093

April 24, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff focuses on the essence of our faith in relationship to life's challenges and difficulties as we choose to obey the Lord (Heb. 11:30-31).

#152 – Hebrews – 91

April 20, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff talks about the faith of Moses to consider the reproach of Christ greater than the riches of Egypt (Heb. 11:23-26).

#150 – Hebrews – 89

April 18, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how God tests our faith and brings us to a deeper place of knowing His character and heart towards us.

#149 – Hebrews – 88

January 20, 2023|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the importance of persevering in our faith and trusting God for the ultimate promise of our heavenly home (Heb. 11:13-16).

#145 – Hebrews – 085

September 22, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how faith produces a testimony in our lives, pleases God, and produces right standing with God (Heb. 11:4-7).

#143 – Hebrews – 083

September 20, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff concludes the discussion of chapter 10 with the practical encouragement of endurance and holding fast to our confession of faith in Christ (Heb. 10:32-39).

#142 – Hebrews – 082

September 17, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how continuing to offer sacrifices after the sacrifice of Jesus led to judgement for the Jews in the first century (Heb. 10:26-31).

#141 – Hebrews – 081

September 16, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the laws that God has written on our hearts, how the finished work of Jesus provides us with great confidence to relate intimately with God, and how we should encourage one another with these powerful truths (Heb. 10:15-25).

#140 – Hebrews – 080

September 6, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues to discuss the power of the Jesus' one-time sacrifice to remove sins for all time (Heb. 10:10-14).

#139 – Hebrews – 079

September 5, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff talks about how the offering of Jesus' body on the cross takes away sin and sanctifies us once for all (Heb. 10:4-10).

#137 – Hebrews – 077

September 1, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues talking about the sacrifice of Jesus that served to put away sin once and for all (Heb. 9:23-28).

#136 – Hebrews – 076

July 13, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the covenant between God the Father and God the Son to forgiven all sin for all time (Heb. 9:15-22).

#135 – Hebrews – 075

July 12, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how the blood of Jesus cleanses our conscience from dead works to serve the living God (Heb. 9:13-14).

#134 – Hebrews – 074

July 11, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the powerful truth of how Jesus secured eternal redemption by offering His own blood as a high priest in the true tabernacle of God (Heb. 9:11-12).

#133 – Hebrews – 073

July 9, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the activity of the priest in the earthly tabernacle and how the sacrifice of Jesus brought the ultimate reformation to the Jewish old covenant.

#131 – Hebrews – 071

June 7, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff talks about how the old covenant passed away at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and he further explains "covenant confusion" in the lives of Gentile believers (Heb. 8:13).

#130 – Hebrews – 070

June 6, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the significance of the new covenant for the Jews and how God has provided righteousness for Jews and Gentiles through faith in Christ (Heb. 8:7-12).

#127 – Hebrews – 067

May 31, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff starts in chapter 8 and discusses how Jesus has offered HIs priestly duty in the real tabernacle in the heavens (Heb. 8:1-3).

#126 – Hebrews – 066

May 24, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff concludes the discussion on Jesus' priesthood and talks about Jesus being the perfect high priest and one who has offered up Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sins once and for all (Heb. 7:26-28).

#124 – Hebrews – 064

May 20, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues discussing Jesus' priesthood, the weakness and uselessness of the Law, and the better covenant (Heb. 7:18-22).

#123 – Hebrews – 063

May 19, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues his discussion of Jesus as a high priest in the order of Melchizedek, and how His eternal priesthood is far superior to that of the Levitical priesthood of Judaism (Heb. 7:11-17).

#116 – Hebrews – 056

May 10, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses God's promise and oath that give us strong encouragement and a hope that is sure and steadfast and an anchor for our soul (Heb. 6:13-20).

#113 – Hebrews – 053

May 5, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff finishes his teaching on eternal judgment and the elementary teachings about the Christ by looking at what he calls the economy of rewards in the life of the believer (Heb. 6:2).

#110 – Hebrews – 050

April 29, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff wraps up the teaching on the resurrection of the dead and talks about the truth of our permanent dwelling prepared for us by God (Heb. 6:2).

#107 – Hebrews – 047

April 27, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff talks about the importance of the resurrection of the dead and how it relates to our physical bodies (Heb. 6:2).

#094 – Hebrews – 034

April 6, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the appointment of the priest and what we can learn about our own calling to minister to others (Heb. 5:1-6).

#092 – Hebrews – 032

April 4, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how Jesus is a great high priest and that He sympathizes with all our weaknesses (Heb. 4:14-15).

#090 – Hebrews – 030

March 31, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues talking about the rest and the role of the word of God in the life of the believer to bring us to a deeper awareness of the rest that is available in Christ (Heb. 4:12-13).

#089 – Hebrews – 029

March 30, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues talking about rest in the Christian life and how important it is to be diligent to enter the rest and to stop working for God (Heb. 4:8-11).

#086 – Hebrews – 026

March 25, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how the children of Israel serve as an example to us of what not to do as they hardened their hearts towards God in unbelief (Heb. 3:7-15).

#084 – Hebrews – 024

March 23, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how Jesus is worthy of more glory than Moses and faithful over the household of God (Heb. 3:1-6).

#081 – Hebrews -021

March 17, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff reviews the first two chapters of Hebrews and stresses how important it is that Jesus has identified perfectly with us through His humanity so that He can be a merciful and faithful high priest on our behalf.

#079 – Hebrews – 019

March 15, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters because we share in the same sanctification from the Father.

#078 – Hebrews – 018

March 11, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how Jesus was perfected through His sufferings and the role of suffering in the Christian life (Heb. 2:9-10).

#077 – Hebrews – 017

March 10, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses how man has been given a role over God's creation as a little lower than the angels (Heb. 2:5-8).

#073 – Hebrews – 014

March 4, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff concludes chapter 1 of Hebrews and stresses how Jesus has the place of the highest authority in the heavens, even above the angels.

#071 – Hebrews – 012

March 2, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues in Hebrews 1 and discusses a couple of important aspects of interpreting and applying scripture in our lives as believers.

#070 – Hebrews – 011

March 1, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the importance of Jesus being begotten of the Father at the resurrection from the dead (Heb. 1:5).

#069 – Hebrews – 010

February 28, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues in Hebrews 1 and discusses how Jesus has inherited a more excellent name than the angels (Heb. 1:4).

#068 – Hebrews – 009

February 25, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff discusses the finished work of Jesus, when he made purification of sins and sat down at the right hand of God (Heb. 1:3).

#066 – Hebrews – 007

February 23, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff talks about Jesus being the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His nature (Heb. 1:3).

#062 – Hebrews – 003

February 17, 2022|

In this short version episode, Cliff continues in the book of Hebrews and discusses the historical context of the book and its implications on our interpretation.

#061 – Hebrews – 002

February 16, 2022|

In this episode, Cliff continues in Hebrews 1:1-2. He talks about how Jesus is the final and definitive communication of God.

#052 – Living from Fullness into Maturity

September 27, 2021|

In this episode, Cliff teaches about how maturity is the process of living in God's fullness that He has provided for us in Christ Jesus. This teaching was given in a home gathering in Southlake, Texas.

#046 – Life Was Clipping Along

May 24, 2021|

In this episode, Cliff visits with Kelly Hutchinson. Kelly is a stroke survivor and a single mother of three. Kelly shares the lessons learned as she has walked with the Lord through extremely difficult times in her life. Her testimony of hope and perseverance is a big encouragement.

#044 – Time with Doug

May 2, 2021|

In this episode, I spend time with Doug Roberts. Doug is a father in the faith and has a very encouraging work for the church in this season.

#042 – Healing the Pain – Part 1

May 7, 2021|

In this episode, Cliff spends time with Rick Montgomery discussing the process of healing our pain. This is part 1 of a 2-part series. In part 2, Cliff spends time with Rick's wife, Judy, and continues the discussion on healing our pain.

#008 – Fullness

August 5, 2019|

In this episode, Stephanie shares about releasing and letting go and Cliff shares about how to experience fullness in our lives as Christians.