#295 – Romans – Episode 127

In this episode, Cliff finishes the study of the book of Romans by looking at Paul's final greetings to his closest co-workers and his benediction to the believers in Rome (Rom. 16:21-27).

#293 – Romans – Episode 125

In this episode, Cliff talks about Paul's plea with the believers in Rome to pray for him to be rescued from those who were opposing his ministry and that he can safely arrive in Rome and be refreshed by the believers there (15:3-33).

#292 – Romans – Episode 124

In this episode, Cliff talks about Paul's personal comments about his plans to visit the church in Rome and the kingdom principle of giving to those who sow spiritual things into our lives (Rom. 15:22-29).

#291 – Romans – Episode 123

In this episode, Cliff talks about Paul's resoluteness to only speak about what God accomplished through him and not to boast in his own accomplishments in his ministry (Rom. 15:14-21).

#290 – Romans – Episode 122

In this episode, Cliff explains that since Christ has accepted us we should also accept others unconditionally (Rom. 15:7-13).

#289 – Romans – Episode 121

In this episode, Cliff talks about how we are to live our lives for the benefit of others and how by living this way we glorify God (Rom. 15:1-6).

#288 – Romans – Episode 120

In this episode, Cliff discusses how important it is not to cause one another to stumble and to live at peace with everyone (Rom. 14:13-23).

#287 – Romans – Episode 119

In this episode, Cliff discusses how we are not to judge one another because we will each give an account to God (Rom. 14:10-12).

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